SPIE Photonics Europe

SPIE Photonics Europe is the premier research conference in Europe presenting metamaterials, nanophotonics, biophotonics, quantum technologies, optical sensing, photonic fibers, and laser technologies among others.


The 2016 conference took place this week (3-7 April 2016) in a sunny Brussels.  Researchers from the Nano-Optics team at King’s College London were there giving talks and presenting posters.

Photo Credit: Luke Nicholls @LHNicholls

Some of the talks included:

Professor Anatoly Zayats – Optical nonlinearities in plasmonic metamaterials

William P. Wardley – Large-area fabrication and characterisation of ultraviolet regime metamaterials manufactured using self-assembly techniques,

Diane Roth – Förster resonance energy transfer between emitters inside a hyperbolic metamaterial

Giuseppe Marino –  Frequency tuneable second-harmonic generation in plasmonic nanorod metamaterial slab

Serena Skov Cambpell – Self-assembled hyperbolic metamaterials in the deep UV





















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