

Principal Investigator

Professor Anatoly Zayats

King’s College London

Professor Anatoly Zayats is head of the Photonics & Nanotechnology group at King’s College London


Professor Stefan Maier

Imperial College London

Professor Maier is the head of the nanoplasmonics group at Physics Department at Imperial College London and lead of the Imperial College team.

Professor Neil Alford

Imperial College London

Professor Neil Alford is the Vice Dean for Research in the Faculty of Engineering at Imperial College London

Professor Lesley Cohen

Imperial College London

Professor Lesley Cohen is Professor of Solid State Physics at Imperial College London.

Dr Wayne Dickson

King’s College London

Dr Wayne Dickson is a lecturer at King’s College London. His main research focus is the development and characterisation of new nanophotonic structures and plasmonic metamaterials.

Professor Mark Green

King’s College London

Mark works in the Physics Department King’s College London. His research interests are organometallic based synthesis of semiconductor and metal nanoparticles, biological applications of nanomaterials, rare-earth based nanomaterials, Biosynthesis, conjugated polymer nanoparticles.

Professor Rupert Oulton

Imperial College London

Dr. Rupert Oulton is currently an EPSRC Career Advancement Fellow and Leverhulme Lecturer in Plasmonic and Metamaterials at Imperial College London.

Professor David Richards

King’s College London

Professor David Richards is Vice-Dean for Research in the Faculty of Natural & Mathematical Sciences in King’s College London.

Professor Riccardo Sapienza

Imperial College London

Riccardo is a Professor at Imperial College London. His main scientific interest is nanophotonics and in particular the coherent interaction of light with mesoscopic and nanoscale photonic systems, individually and collectively.

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Dr Alexey Krasavin

King’s College London

Dr Cillian McPolin

King’s College London

Dr Mazhar Nasir

King’s College London

Dr Anton Bykov

King’s College London

Ryan Bower

Imperial College

PhD Students

Daniel Glass

Imperial College

Yunlu Jiang

King’s College London

Monica Mota

Imperial College London

Mayela Romero

King’s College London

Amaresh Shukla

King’s College London

Harriet Walker

Imperial College

Matthew Wells

Imperial College

Anastasiia Zaleska

King’s College London

Affiliated Investigators

Dr Peter Petrov

Imperial College London

Dr Sasha Rakovich

King’s College London

Professor Jason Riley

Imperial College London

Dr Francisco Rodríguez Fortuño

King’s College London

Professor Mary Ryan

Imperial College London

Dr Fang Xie

Imperial College London


Affiliated Researchers

Samuel Frye

King’s College London

Robert Jones

King’s College London

Zhao Miao

King’s College London

Steve Po

King’s College London

Marciano Palma Do Carmo

King’s College London

Dr Diane Roth

King’s College London

Bin Zou

Imperial College

Project Administration

Megan Grace-Hughes

King’s College London

Megan is the Research Project Manager and Digital Media Officer for Reactive Plasmonics


Dr Francesco Lotti

King’s College London

Dr Avi Braun

Dr Luke Nicholls

King’S College London

Dr Nicola G Black

Dr Thomas Brick

Dr Marianna Casavola

University of Southampton

Dr Margoth Cordova Castro


Dr Emiliano Cortés

LMU Munich

Dr Brock Doiron

Dr Julián Gargiulo

LMU Munich

Dr Sylvain Gennaro

Sandia National Labs

Dr Gustavo Grinblat

University of Buenos Aires

Dr Alberto Lauri

Dr Yi Li

SUSTech Shenzen

Dr Sergii Morozov

University of Southern Denmark

Dr Michael Nielsen

UNSW Sydney

Dr Eva Pensa

Technical University of Munich

Dr Jorge Salmon

Dr Giovanni Sartorello

Cornell University

Dr Viktoryia Shautsova

Oxford University

Dr Tomasz Stefaniuk

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University

Dr Pan Wang

Zhejiang University

Dr William Wardley

Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory

Dr Andrei Mihai

Imperial College London

© Reactive Plasmonics 2021